# eslint-comments/require-description

require include descriptions in ESLint directive-comments

This rule warns directive comments without description.


This rule can only be used with ESLint v7.x or later.

# Rule Details

Examples of 👎 incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint eslint-comments/require-description: error */ /* eslint no-undef: off */ /* eslint-env browser */ /* eslint-disable eqeqeq */ /* eslint-enable eqeqeq */ // eslint-disable-line // eslint-disable-next-line /* exported foo */ /* global $ */ /* globals a, b, c */
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Examples of 👍 correct code for this rule:

/*eslint eslint-comments/require-description: error -- If you use directive comments, you should explain why you use them. */ /* eslint no-undef: off -- Here's a description about why this directive-comment is necessary. */ /* eslint-env browser -- This script works in browser. */ // eslint-disable-next-line -- Temporarily avoids the lint error problem. See issue XXX. /* global $ -- This script using jQuery. */
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# Options

You can specify ignored directive-comments.

    "eslint-comments/require-description": ["error", {"ignore": []}]
  • ignore option is an array to ignore specified directive-comments. The value of the array is some of the following strings:
    • "eslint"
    • "eslint-disable"
    • "eslint-disable-line"
    • "eslint-disable-next-line"
    • "eslint-enable"
    • "eslint-env"
    • "exported"
    • "global"
    • "globals"

# Further Reading