All Rules
This plugin provides the following rules.
- 🔧 mark means that the
option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by the rule.
There is no config which enables all rules in this category.
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-json-superset | disallow \u2028 and \u2029 in string literals. | 🔧 |
es/no-optional-catch-binding | disallow optional catch binding. |
The extends: "plugin:es/no-es2018"
config enables the following rules.
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-async-iteration | disallow async iteration. | |
es/no-malformed-template-literals | disallow template literals with invalid escape sequences. | |
es/no-regexp-lookbehind-assertions | disallow RegExp lookbehind assertions. | |
es/no-regexp-named-capture-groups | disallow RegExp named capture groups. | |
es/no-regexp-s-flag | disallow RegExp s flag. | |
es/no-regexp-unicode-property-escapes | disallow RegExp Unicode property escape sequences. | |
es/no-rest-spread-properties | disallow rest/spread properties. |
The extends: "plugin:es/no-es2017"
config enables the following rules.
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-async-functions | disallow async function declarations. | |
es/no-atomics | disallow the Atomics class. | |
es/no-object-entries | disallow the Object.entries method. | |
es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptors | disallow the Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors method. | |
es/no-object-values | disallow the Object.values method. | |
es/no-shared-array-buffer | disallow the SharedArrayBuffer class. | |
es/no-trailing-function-commas | disallow trailing commas in parameter/argument lists. | 🔧 |
The extends: "plugin:es/no-es2016"
config enables the following rules.
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-exponential-operators | disallow exponential operators. |
The extends: "plugin:es/no-es2015"
config enables the following rules.
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-array-from | disallow the Array.from method. | |
es/no-array-of | disallow the Array.of method. | |
es/no-arrow-functions | disallow arrow function expressions. | 🔧 |
es/no-binary-numeric-literals | disallow binary numeric literals. | |
es/no-block-scoped-functions | disallow block-scoped function declarations. | |
es/no-block-scoped-variables | disallow block-scoped variable declarations. | |
es/no-classes | disallow class declarations. | |
es/no-computed-properties | disallow computed properties. | |
es/no-default-parameters | disallow default parameters. | |
es/no-destructuring | disallow destructuring. | |
es/no-for-of-loops | disallow for-of statements. | |
es/no-generators | disallow generator function declarations. | |
es/no-map | disallow the Map class. | |
es/no-math-acosh | disallow the Math.acosh method. | |
es/no-math-asinh | disallow the Math.asinh method. | |
es/no-math-atanh | disallow the Math.atanh method. | |
es/no-math-cbrt | disallow the Math.cbrt method. | |
es/no-math-clz32 | disallow the Math.clz32 method. | |
es/no-math-cosh | disallow the Math.cosh method. | |
es/no-math-expm1 | disallow the Math.expm1 method. | |
es/no-math-fround | disallow the Math.fround method. | |
es/no-math-hypot | disallow the Math.hypot method. | |
es/no-math-imul | disallow the Math.imul method. | |
es/no-math-log10 | disallow the Math.log10 method. | |
es/no-math-log1p | disallow the Math.log1p method. | |
es/no-math-log2 | disallow the Math.log2 method. | |
es/no-math-sign | disallow the Math.sign method. | |
es/no-math-sinh | disallow the Math.sinh method. | |
es/no-math-tanh | disallow the Math.tanh method. | |
es/no-math-trunc | disallow the Math.trunc method. | |
es/no-modules | disallow modules. | |
es/no-new-target | disallow meta property. | |
es/no-number-epsilon | disallow the Number.EPSILON property. | |
es/no-number-isfinite | disallow the Number.isFinite method. | |
es/no-number-isinteger | disallow the Number.isInteger method. | |
es/no-number-isnan | disallow the Number.isNaN method. | |
es/no-number-issafeinteger | disallow the Number.isSafeInteger method. | |
es/no-number-maxsafeinteger | disallow the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER property. | |
es/no-number-minsafeinteger | disallow the Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER property. | |
es/no-number-parsefloat | disallow the Number.parseFloat method. | |
es/no-number-parseint | disallow the Number.parseInt method. | |
es/no-object-assign | disallow the Object.assign method. | |
es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols | disallow the Object.getOwnPropertySymbols method. | |
es/no-object-is | disallow the method. | |
es/no-object-setprototypeof | disallow the Object.setPrototypeOf method. | |
es/no-object-super-properties | disallow super property accesses in object literals. | |
es/no-octal-numeric-literals | disallow octal numeric literals. | |
es/no-promise | disallow the Promise class. | |
es/no-property-shorthands | disallow property shorthands. | 🔧 |
es/no-proxy | disallow the Proxy class. | |
es/no-reflect | disallow the Reflect class. | |
es/no-regexp-u-flag | disallow RegExp u flag. | |
es/no-regexp-y-flag | disallow RegExp y flag. | |
es/no-rest-parameters | disallow rest parameters. | |
es/no-set | disallow the Set class. | |
es/no-spread-elements | disallow spread elements. | |
es/no-string-fromcodepoint | disallow the String.fromCodePoint method. | |
es/no-string-raw | disallow the String.raw method. | |
es/no-subclassing-builtins | disallow the subclassing of the built-in classes. | |
es/no-symbol | disallow the Symbol class. | |
es/no-template-literals | disallow template literals. | 🔧 |
es/no-typed-arrays | disallow ES2015 typed arrays. | |
es/no-unicode-codepoint-escapes | disallow Unicode code point escape sequences. | 🔧 |
es/no-weak-map | disallow the WeakMap class. | |
es/no-weak-set | disallow the WeakSet class. |
The extends: "plugin:es/no-es5"
config enables the following rules.
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-accessor-properties | disallow accessor properties. | |
es/no-keyword-properties | disallow reserved words as property names. | |
es/no-trailing-commas | disallow trailing commas in array/object literals. |